Supplement Insights: Unlock the Secrets to Wellness and Nutrition

Bye, bye winter blues: the way to more energy and motivation
The days are getting greyer, colder and more unpleasant - for both body and mind. It is quite common for moods to drop and the winter blues to make themselves felt. People who live in the northern hemisphere are particularly at risk, as there is hardly any sunshine in winter. In this article, we would like to explain how the winter blues come about in the first place, what makes them so risky and what tips there are for getting more motivation and energy in everyday life.  
Inner restlessness: causes and remedies
Fears about the future, emotional crises, stress in everyday life and much more - these are all problems that many people struggle with on a daily basis. It is therefore understandable that a feeling of inner turmoil often arises. But what happens when this inner restlessness gets out of hand and starts to take over our lives? We will look together at the causes and symptoms of inner restlessness and explain what measures you can take to finally regain your inner peace.
Our microbiome: how to support your digestion
Have you ever wondered why so many people have digestive problems, cannot tolerate certain foods or even suffer from obesity, even though they have been on numerous diets? Countless microorganisms that colonise our gut - the microbiome - may be responsible for this. In this exciting article, we would like to introduce you to the complex topic of the microbiome. We explain what functions the microbiome fulfils in the body, how our diet is linked to it and what you can do to support the microbiome in the long term.
Natural stress management for men and women: tips for a relaxed festive season
As wonderful as the Christmas season is, the preparations for the festive season are associated with a great deal of stress. Stress that, if prolonged, can have negative health consequences. To avoid this, there are a few methods for coping with stress so that the most wonderful time of the year becomes an unforgettable moment. We'll show you how stress arises, the health and, in particular, hormonal effects stress has on men and women and what you can still do to manage it successfully.
Sleep more restfully with 5-HTP
Have you ever wondered how important sleep actually is for the body? We depend on restful and deep sleep to give our bodies the rest and regeneration they need. Nevertheless, cases such as insomnia, waking up constantly and feeling exhausted the next morning often occur. In this blog post, you can find out everything you need to know about sleep and how you can maintain your sleep hygiene by taking 5-HTP so that you can finally start your day fit and rested.
Superfood Pomegranate: The Power of the Aromatic Superfruit
The pomegranate, also known as the "fruit of paradise", has been recognized for thousands of years as a nourishing fruit with deep cultural and religious significance. Today, it is celebrated as an exceptional superfood, and rightly so—this power-packed fruit offers an impressive range of benefits! But where does the pomegranate come from, and how healthy is it really? In this blog post, we will answer these and many other questions, as well as explore the facts and studies surrounding the pomegranate.